Practice yoga at home.

For the past few years, I’ve had several conversations with students who indicate clearly that practicing yoga at home is not their “thing.” I get it. Practicing in a group environment and with the voice of a teacher around you can be soothing, reassuring, and not easy to replace. It gives you a sense of community, a sentiment of unity, and that everything is gonna be alright. And let us admit that it holds us accountable to that community, to the studio which we pay, to the fellow yogis that we become friends with too!

The foundation of yoga IS a personal practice. Holding ourselves accountable for our own actions is really the way to live, you know what I mean? Approaching a home practice doesn’t simply involve rolling out a mat in between the table and the couch and moving into Downward Facing Dog. Practicing yoga at home involves a few more things that will be sure to make you more inspired.


A personal practice becomes much more joyous, exciting, and meaningful when practiced with an intention. Intentions are powerful statements or words to help you cultivate anything from deep breathing to inner peace. The real work starts to unfold when a clear intention is set.

It’s not always clear to students what an intention should be. Simply put, it can be just to be present and not let the mind travel. I like to ask students to bring into their hearts WHY they came to yoga either today or in general. And that answer right there can be the intention. We all come to yoga from a place of wanting to be well. What does being well look like to you?

The intention that is chosen guides the practice. For example, you may choose to have more compassion for yourself and others as your intention. This intention will add more softness to your practice. (When you think of compassion, don’t you think of your shoulders and facial muscles softening as you sympathize with someone?!) Another example can be to cultivate an open heart. This intention will inspire you to practice more heart-opening poses that spread your collarbones and loosen your shoulders so that your heart lifts towards the clouds. How uplifting!


After the intention is set, you want to create the space, the mood, so you can practice yoga at home. You may have a designated yoga room or you may have a little corner in the front room. Wherever your yoga wings land, set the stage!


Make certain that your yoga area is free from clutter. Tidy up a bit! Studies show that working and living in a minimalist environment helps improve your ability to focus. Wipe down tables, fix pillows, vacuum, or sweep up before you practice yoga at home.

Fresh Smells

Open a door or windows for a few minutes to let any stale air out of the room and then light a candle, diffuse essential oils, or use a room spray that smells divine! Smells are highly emotive and have the power to convey many emotions or feelings from vitality to relaxation!

Sounds and Distractions

Turn off all notifications and sounds from electronic devices. (It drives me nuts when I forget!) Check-in with the lighting in the room and let it feel nice. Maybe you enjoy bird sounds in the background, or water, or a wind chime? Find the right sound or music and press play. Voila! You are ready to practice.


A yoga practice does NOT have to be one hour. Start with 10-15 minutes of movement. It’s also ok to watch a video too. When you feel more confident with your practice, the information on what to do on your own without the guidance of someone else will download into that beautiful brain and you will actually be guiding yourself!


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