A Simple Little Parable

The Katha Upanishad (Kaṭhopaniṣad) is a simple little parable and essentially a conversation between a little boy named Nachiketa, the son of a Sage, and Yama, the Indian deity of death. The parable entails a long discussion about the nature of man, freedom of thoughts, self-knowledge etc… 

Yama, at some point during their very long discussion, explains to Nachiketa what Yoga is by way of a parable. Something really clicked when I read it and it made so much sense!  I’ve read it a few different times in different texts and have shared it with friends, family, and students in order to get them to understand how important it is to learn to control your breath in order to cease inner thoughts.

A Summary of the Parable

Ok, picture a chariot. That is your life.

Now picture a driver of the chariot. That is you.

See horses in front of you. Those are your thoughts/mind.

Look at the scenery around you. Those are distractions/objects that you desire.

Feel the reins in your hands.  That is your breath.

When you learn to control the horses (thoughts/mind) by holding the reins (breath) steady and guiding them past the scenery (distractions/objects you desire) and towards the direction you want to go, the chariot (life) will take the driver (you) wherever you want to go.

So Essentially…

Take control of your breath to cease the fluctuations of your mind and you can stay focused on your end goal without being distracted by everything around you, so, your life can take you exactly to that place.  Pretty simple huh? 

There are different breathing techniques with different functions. But don’t give up before you get started. It takes time and patience to really learn how to breathe properly. I’ve been focusing on the breath for the past ten years and am still learning…

How to Live the Parable

So, again, when you are feeling overwhelmed, try and live the parable. Take a minute and notice the scenery around you, but come back to your breath, and guide that chariot in the direction that the yellow flame in your core wants to go; straight ahead and up to the moon!

A Simple Little Parable
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