Top 5 Reasons Yellow is Awesome

Yellow is the color of the sun

Every time I think about the color yellow, I think about a bright, beautiful, warm, explosion of happiness. So here I am, writing a blog and a post about it. Here are the top 5 reasons why I think yellow is simply awesome:

1. The Sun is Yellow

(ok, actually it’s white but you know what I mean)

The Sun literally brightens up our day and gives us warmth, vitamin D, solar power, food, motivation, do I even have to go on?  Remember how fun it was when you were a kid and you drew a picture of the sun? You smashed that yellow crayon all over that circle and then got to add a bunch of dashes all around it, in various lengths, which helped with the look of it if you weren’t a true artist, although we all thought we were, to express how big and important it is? You know what I mean? We knew how awesome yellow was way back then!

2. Yellow is Energizing

The color yellow is known to be energizing and full of creativity. I mean, think about when you wake up in the morning and the warm yellow sun is shining through your window and on to a piece of crystal that instantly transforms and reflects the rays into a rainbow on the wall. Are you saying that doesn’t do anything for you? Of course, it does! You want to go run, even if you have never done it before, you want to go create something, you want to quit your job and revolutionize something for the world, you want to write a book, or you want to save the world! Come on, you know it and I know it: yellow is energizing.

3. Yellow is Cheerful

When Harvey Ball created the smiley face in 1963 to boost morale for the company, why do you think he made it yellow? Does this one speak for itself or what?

4. Yellow is Youthful

A rubber ducky is yellow and makes us feel like a kid again hanging with Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street. Taking a bath, playing with toys and that ducky was so squeaky and fun!

5. Vincent Van Gogh Loved the Color Yellow

I’m sure he didn’t eat yellow paint to be happy but even the idea of it tells you the impact yellow has in general! His life and artwork became brighter and lighter when he lived in France surrounded by yellow. The proof is in the yellow.


Do you have any other great reasons why yellow is awesome?

Top 5 Reasons Yellow is Awesome
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