What are your top 5 virtues?

Have you thought about what your favorite virtues are? There are so many! Ideally, we want to live by most of them, right? Let’s start small. Below is a list of virtues. Pick your 10 favorites. That’s right, 10. I know, it’s hard, but I know you can do it.

List of Virtues

Faith Knowledge Responsibility Wonder
AccountabilityConfidenceForgiveness Love Self-disciplineZeal
AppreciationContentmentGraciousness Loyalty Sincerity
AssertivenessCourageGratitude Moderation Tact
CreativityHonesty Optimistic Thankfulness
Benevolence DetachmentHonorPassionate Tolerance
Bravery DeterminationHumilityPatience Tranquility
CaringEloquenceIdealism Peace Understanding
Chastity EmpathyIntegrity Perseverance Unity
Cleanliness EthicalJoyfulness Purposeful Visionary
CommitmentFairnessKindness Respect Wisdom


Ok great! You did it!

Now, out of those 10, pick 5. Ahhhhh! I know, I know, it’s even harder.

Just sit quietly and read through them. Close your eyes and say each one out loud, then notice how you feel. Your inner self will guide you, don’t worry. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

Did you pick your 5? Super! Now we can move on to the best part:


You are going to take these 5 fabulous virtues and make them your focus for the next three weeks. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit? (i’ve heard all sorts of numbers but we will stick with 21 for this challenge) How are you going to do that you ask? I got ya! Keep reading..

Part One

You will need two things: Sticky Notes and a Pen

  1. Write down your five virtues on 25 stickies
  2. Stick these stickies in 25 places such as your bathroom mirror, the fridge, the front door etc…
  3. Implement each virtue at least one time every single day

 Part Two

You will need one thing:

  1. Grab your new inspiring journal before you go to bed.
  2. Take a few minutes to reflect on the day.
  3. Write down your 5 virtues with examples of how you implemented them each day.
  4. Smile and sleep well knowing you did it!




The Virtue Challenge