You Know What I Mean?

You Know What I Mean? Let’s Talk.

Listen, I like to talk about stuff and I also like to say you know what I mean, A LOT. So, I wanted a place, like a blog, to write about stuff like yoga, yoga philosophy, self-help jargon, random thoughts, healthy lifestyle tips, or concepts that really make you want to explore yourself.

you know what i mean

Think about all those times you have said to yourself:

Why did this happen?  Why do I feel this way? Why did I do that?

What is yoga? Should I try it?

Why is this happening to me?

Why am I so anxious? How can I stop it?

I wish I had a healthier lifestyle.

Why do all yogis seem so calm?

How can I start doing more ____and less of ____?

Why is this website so yellow?


You know what i mean

I want to talk about all that stuff!

Yes! Unfortunately, the category of self-help gets a bad rap and I wish that section of the bookstore could change to something like the “I wanna learn about me” section or the “explore life!” section or the “Figure your own crap out first” section. You know what I mean?
I hope that, through my writing about ideas and concepts that generate self-reflection and provoke thought, it can inspire you to create a dialogue with yourself and with others in order to deepen your knowledge and truth about who you are at this moment in time. (and by talking to others about it, they too will be curious about themselves! It can become a chain reaction. smiley face)
you know what i mean?

Let’s talk about real stuff

How great is it to discuss topics that bring virtues like happiness, determination, humility, idealism, or gratitude into our lives, rather than what your friend just saw on E News?  You know what I mean? Yes, you do. Ok, let’s go!

You Know What I Mean?