Practice Easy Pose with Intention

Sukhasana (soo-KAHS-uh-nuh)

Easy Pose, Sukhasana, is a great pose for meditation, hip opening, spine strengthening, and feeling grounded and connected. It’s not that easy actually. Once you align yourself correctly, you will see that there are many muscles involved in supporting you. And as you hold it for a while, you will notice that your back muscles probably need more strengthening than you thought! Here is all that you need to know to practice Easy Pose with intention.

Setting up for Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

  • Sit on the ground or mat and bring feet under knees in a cross-legged position. Feel as comfortable as you can. If your front leg has to stick out a little that’s ok! 
  • Feel sit bones nice and heavy on the mat.
  • Let knees fall wherever they naturally fall. No need to push them down towards the ground. (if your knees are higher than your pelvis, use the modifications below)
  • Point tailbone (gently) down towards the earth and feel a lift in your pubic bone up towards the abdominals. (tailbone and pubic bone should be equidistant to the ground) 
  • Lift chest and feel the rib cage lengthen with a soft space between each rib.
  • Bring shoulder blades together and softly down back. (away from ears)
  • Tuck chin gently back so ears are directly over shoulders.
  • Feel spine lengthening like a long straight ruler from tailbone all the way up and out the crown of your head.
  • Spread toes to engage leg muscles
  • Place your hands gently on knees facing down to feel grounded or facing up for energy.

Bonus: You can also bring your index finger and thumb (tips) to touch with the other three fingers nice and straight and your palms facing up for Gyan mudra… This aids with feeling a sense of peace, calmness, and focus.  It stimulates the root chakra and brings you a sense of grounding and connectedness.

If you are in Gyan mudra…

  • straighten elbows

Some no-nos while practicing Easy Pose:

Modifications to support a neutral pelvis in Easy Pose.

Sit on a

  • block
  • blanket
  • or even against the wall!

Breath (pranayama)

Now that you are in this beautiful seated pose, Easy Pose, feeling grounded and strong like a warrior, close your eyes and begin to breathe. Keep your eyes closed with the attention at your third eye, the space between your eyebrows, therefore beginning to feel a little meditative. Kind of cool, huh?

  • Take a slow deep inhale filling your BELLY first, then your CHEST.
  • Pause here.
  • Exhale slowly, feeling heavy in your sit bones as you exhale every ounce of air left in your lungs.
  • Pause here.
  • Repeat this 3-5 times while keeping all the steps above for a long straight spine in mind. 

Your central nervous system is being stimulated with the energy and breath running up and down your spine. The reason for that is because it’s actually straight! 

As you’ve completed this breathing exercise a few times, let’s get you breathing with more intention. Start to count your inhales and exhales. 

  • Inhale slowly and with control to the count of 8
  • Exhale slowly and with control to the count of 8
  • Repeat 3-5 times

In the beginning, you may not make it to 8. Maybe it’s 4, then 5, then 8. Whatever it is, it’s ok. You will see that after a few minutes your lungs will open up, Do what you can and don’t focus on the number right now. 🙂 Just keep your eyes soft with your attention to the center of your eyebrows while you breathe and relax.

Feeling (vedanã)

Do this as many times as you wish FEELING your breath, FEELING the energy running up and down your spine, FEELING your sit bones heavy and grounded on the mat. 

Practicing Easy Pose will connect you to your body, your breath, and to the present moment, as a result, you will feel open, relaxed, and focused. Above all, you have just practiced yoga!!



Practice Easy Pose (Sukhasana) with Intention