bring out your inner giraffe

Bring Out Your Inner Giraffe

It’s not just about the sincerity in their eyes and beautiful eyelashes or their puckered lips and unique soft coat. Giraffes stand tall and confident showing us that it’s simple to live, love, eat healthy, sleep quickly, and be a part of a community where everyone accepts each other. Keep reading and learn how to bring out your inner giraffe in daily life!

They Use Their Height Wisely

Giraffes are the tallest of all living land animals. They measure up to 19 ft tall! In my eyes, they see into the future. They watch over the land and discern not only what is happening but what is about to happen. They can spot prey for them and their towers (a group of giraffes) just as well as they can spot a threat about to cause harm.

How can you bring out your inner giraffe? Ok, so humans don’t possess the exact height BUT what we do possess is the ability to meditate, focus, and envision what is actually there and what is yet to come. We must use our innate capacity to feel our intuition and follow it at all times. Without the doubt and fear that generally takes over, our spirits grow taller. Taller than a giraffe! And from that height, we can recognize what is currently happening and what is on its way. (with the power to change it!)

Their Hearts Weigh About 25 Pounds (11 Kilos)

Ok, I get it. An extra 25 pounds is a lot to carry around but having a HUGE HEART sounds like just what this world needs. Having a bigger heart means that we can fit more love in their right? It also comes with the strain of having to heal it more, spiritually and practically. Giraffes need that big heart to pump blood up that long neck to their brains. I’m not so sure how they heal it spiritually, but I do know that us humans have many ways to do that! The bigger our hearts are the more love and compassion we can accumulate for ourselves and for others. Think about that for a while…

They Are Super Social and Accepting to All

Giraffes hang out with their towers and when another enters the group it’s like they give them a high five!  Some towers are all female, some all male, and some are mixed but none are exclusive. No looking at them from top to bottom, no judging, no insecurities, and no threats, just pure welcoming. Now that makes me happy.

From as far back as we can remember, we can understand that it can be difficult to enter a new group sometimes. Whether it’s on the playground, at school, at camp, beginning a new sport, going to college, starting a new job, or simply being at a friend’s party where you don’t know anyone, it can be hard, awkward, embarrassing, and full of anxiety. What if you never had to feel that way because everyone would accept you without one ounce of judgment and a friendly smile? Well, that is what giraffes do people!

The next time you are at an event and see someone standing alone, bring out your inner giraffe and approach them before you have time to even think about it and say hi! It’s that simple.

The next time someone joins the group and is dressed differently than you are, bring out your inner giraffe and stop thinking about what they are wearing. Look them in the eyes and see that they are a real person with thoughts and feelings. Find out about that instead!

They Sleep Standing Up

If I could sleep standing up for 10 minutes in a bathroom at a late night get together, and nobody would know, I would definitely do it. Giraffes don’t need expensive beds and 2000 thread count sheets or noise machines and fans. Plus, they only sleep between 20 minutes and two hours in a 24 hour period.

Ok, so why should we be more like giraffes and sleep standing up? I’m just saying that it sounds an awful like meditation to me except we typically are seated but with a tall spine. If you could just commit to some daily hush and let your mind settle down and recalibrate it would do WONDERS for your life! Even 5 minutes of quiet, no mind chatter, no monkey mind and deep breathing will do the trick.

They Are Vegetarians

They can eat 140 pounds (63 kilos) of greens and twigs daily! Can you imagine how healthy their digestive system is? There are SO many options as a vegetarian and there are SO many health benefits. It’s not just salad people I promise! Meatless Mondays have become a thing but how about Meatless Months? One month won’t kill you, come on! Without pushing the issue, just find your inner giraffe and start with 2 or 3 times a week.

Bring Out Your Inner Giraffe

  • Grow tall and confident and believe that your intuition has the power to guide you.
  • Choose to hold love and compassion in your heart in every moment of every day
  • Be welcoming to all in every situation
  • Find time each day to meditate and clear your mind of unwanted thoughts that hold you back.
  • Give some thought to what you put into your body. Make a few easy changes to ease into it and feel the difference.

Extra fun facts:

They communicate at such low levels that humans cannot hear them. It’s like a superpower!

Males may fight head to head for dominance but the outcome is rarely violent. Thank goodness!

Bring Out Your Inner Giraffe