Henry Bieler wrote a book in 1966 called Food is Your Best Medicine He also invented a broth called the Beiler Broth. I haven’t read the book, but I have made the broth and drank it for 3 days during one of my cleanses. I think it’s a great broth to cleanse with that balances your potassium and sodium levels and at the same time aides in the detoxification of your organs. It’s easy to make and easy to sip on all day long. Many use this broth as an immune booster as well as a soup that “heals a cold.” Try it for any reason!

Bieler Broth Recipe

4 quarts (16 cups) filtered water

4 medium squash (zucchini, yellow, or summer)

1 pound (1/2 kilo) string beans, trimmed and washed

2 sticks celery, chopped

2 bunches parsley, washed and chopped

Fresh herbs (thyme, tarragon, oregano etc…)


Place all ingredients in a large stock pot

Bring to a boil, lower the temperature and simmer covered for about 30 minutes.

Remove the herbs if possible

This last part has a few options:

  1. remove all vegetables and set them aside, drink only the broth.
  2. use an immersion blender and blend it all together until smooth and drink it this way
  3. puree the vegetables, drink only the liquid of the soup, with an option to add a spoonful of puree into it when needed (when feeling like you need a bit more than just the broth)

*I did the first and third option and they both worked well for me.

**The original recipe may not have celery in it but it works as an add-on. (as well as garlic, dandelion greens, etc…)

***I added a little bit of salt to it before sipping it. Very little.

****I drank it in a big mug all day long and still drank lots of plain water, lemon water, and apple cider vinegar-honey water. Yes, I peed ALOT. 🙂

Bieler Broth Recipe