Why Men Should Practice Yoga

Hello Men! (and mothers, siblings, friends, partners of men) Have you been thinking about practicing yoga but have some doubts? Being a yogi for about 10 years, I can’t imagine there being any doubts because the results outweigh any doubts that may exist! Bottom line is that men should practice yoga just as often as anyone else. There are many misconceptions of yoga and you should definitely read about them so you can get over it! 

Let’s get to it shall we?

Builds Stamina

Yoga builds muscle strength as well as improving respiratory health and cardiovascular which will absolutely aid in other forms of physical exercise that you may be into, such as tennis, soccer, or running. So if you want to increase your stamina and win the soccer championship you have been waiting for, well, you know what to do. Yoga! 

Aides in Lower Back Pain

If you sit at a desk for a majority of your day, your lower back is compensating for the probable weak muscles you have in your glutes or hamstrings. Also, if your muscles are too tight and short then your poor back is also helping you out there too. Yoga can not only build strength in those areas if needed, it also elongates muscles to help them stretch properly.  Give your lower back a break and do some yoga.

And now that I think about it, I have to mention that it aides in all sorts of pain! Knee pain, ankle pain, neck pain, you name it. It counteracts the many negative effects of certain kinds of exercise. For example, tennis has your spine swinging one way most of the time. Yoga can help make your spine nice and limber. See?

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

The combination of physical activity, controlled breathing techniques, relaxation, and meditation are all scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. Why? Well first of all, by controlling your breathing, you can change the way your brain works and processes information. Relaxation and meditation will automatically relieve tension in places you didn’t know even existed while lowering your heart rate and aiding in a more calmer you.  Stop stressing! Do yoga.

Improve Your Libido

Yes! Many studies have shown that a regular yoga practice helps improve your sex life on all levels. The breathing and concentration help men better channel their sexual energy while enhancing performance at the same time. 

So men, or people who know men, listen up. Try it. At least do that. Try it for a month and see how you feel. Get over your doubts because those are just concocted in your mind and ego. Try it so you have REAL knowledge on the subject. 

Why Men Should Practice Yoga