If you are a yogi, then you are familiar with Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation, and you may or may not be familiar with Chandra Namaskar, the moon salutation. If you are not a yogi and are thinking “whaaaat?” then keep reading because we all should take time for the Chandra Namaskar, especially during a full moon.


If you think you don’t know the Sun Salutation, you probably do. It’s the one featured on all the yogic mountaintop videos when the yogi is facing the sun and saluting it for all the beauty, light, and energy it creates. The arms move up toward the sun, then the body folds forward bringing the chest towards the knees and fingertips to the ground. It continues with the famous Chaturanga Dandasana where the body flows down to the mat, the arms press the chest up towards the sky while the legs reach long behind, and then the hips raise up toward the sky again while the arms press the chest toward the thighs into Down Dog. Does this ring a bell? It’s a beautifully energizing flow bringing the masculine energy of the sun straight into our being.


Chandra Namaskar is essentially the opposite. This salutation cultivates the moon’s feminine energy when you are feeling a bit depleted or overstimulated. It runs along the side of your mat influencing length in your side body where Sun A runs forward and backward opening your heart. Although it’s a fairly recent yogic practice (I think created in the ’80s), moon ceremonies and rituals are undoubtedly ancient. So why does the Masculine Sun get all the attention? Exactly. Let’s raise it up for the Feminine Moon! This is the deal…


You have heard of Yin and Yang, right? These two complementary forces create equilibrium in our lives. They eternally surround us. Yin and yang can be understood better to some by saying “dark cannot exist without light” or “ebb and flow” or “effort and surrender” or maybe even “contraction and expansion.” They are inseparable! Opposites attract? Yes! We need the opposite to balance us.


The Sun is yang bringing to us the qualities of heat and light which create active energy at all times. The Moon is yin bringing us cool, dark, and meditative qualities which create a grounding, downward flow of energy. Some days we may need the energy of the sun and some days we may need the energy of the moon. It’s all about how we listen to our bodies and discern how we feel. Chandra Namaskar is excellent to practice at night when you are winding down and ready for a restful nights sleep.


In December, the moon is called the Cold Moon. The cold moon rises and glows while signifying that the winter solstice has arrived. Not only do the days get shorter after this day, but it means that winter is here. Winter time for those countries that get to feel a drastic change in the weather is a gift. It’s a gift because it’s natures way of conveying to us that our bodies need to slow down and rejoice back into our own energy. Not that a country who doesn’t experience drastic weather changes can’t rejoice, but you know what i mean.


Last night was awesome. I made it home in time for the full moon to become full at exactly 7:49 in the evening. I lit all my candles, incense, and rolled out my yoga mat. At the exact time the moon was full, I began to practice the Chandra Namaskar sequence for healing, feminine, beautiful energy. I meditatively thanked the moon for the light it shines in the dark, for the beauty it brings every single day to the entire world, and for the ebbing and flowing it causes not only to large bodies of water, but to the bodies and emotions of humans as well. And I’d like to say that if the moon can affect the tides of the sea, then what do we think happens to our bodies that are made up of about 78% water? (this varies I know) Think about that for a bit!


This would be a good time for a video of how I practice my Chandra Namaskar right? I think so too! So one day I hope to get my “taking a video” game on and place it right here. Stay tuned 🙂

In the meantime…this is my favorite rendition of Chandra Namaskar by Shiva Rea and you can all watch it HERE.

What is Chandra Namaskar?