The clock is ticking! There are a couple more days left until we leave 2018 behind us and we welcome 2019 with all of its future gifts. Much like Savasana, December 31st marks the death of our year that has just happened and January 1st marks the rebirth of our life with a fresh start. Although it is nice to think about or even plan out a few of those future gifts that 2019 holds, it is also very nice to stay present inside the magical moments that every single day offers us, which ultimatley lead us to these gifts.

With that being said, I have decided to share with all of you what my incredibly inspiring friend and I have set out to do for the New Year. I’m sharing this not only because it’s a cool idea and I think everyone should do it, but also because I need some accountability! It’s easy to say you are going to do something but if you aren’t capable of holding yourself accountable (which we should be!) then you are going to need others to help hold you accountable. So you, my friends, without knowing it, are holding me accountable. I’m cool with that!


I am going to take this empty jar that you see in the photo above (I put it next to the alarm clock to remind me!) and every day I am going to write down one positive thing on a little piece of paper and place it inside. VOILA! It can be anything from a great experience or an uplifting conversation, to a positive thought or a beautiful dinner I made. It can also be that I fell down while putting on my pants and laughed because laughter is awesome. In other words, make it fun. At the end of 2019, you guessed it, I’m going to take them all out and read through all 365 of them!


  • To acknowledge the good. It forces us to acknowledge that good things happen every day. Even when we are down in the dumps. And no matter how hard it is to see this when we are feeling bad, it’s EXISTS!
  • To make it kind of like a journal. You don’t like to journal? I get it. I still have a journal from when I was a kid that has my name and year inside with specific instructions to not read because it was MY journal. And guess what? Not a single word was written inside. I love the idea of journaling daily, but it’s not in my reality. So use this jar idea, that is quick and easy, instead because it has all the right intentions behind it!
  • To shift your perspective. Even for just a moment, it will shift your perspective out of places like negativity, apathy, anger, sadness, and fear, therefore, creating a better you.
  • To cope better with stress. It will train your mind to shift to the positive more quickly. You lost your wallet? Yeah well you also got a new dog that loves you, you encouraged someone to do something they have always wanted to do and they did it, you made a new friend that loves comics as much as you do, you have been out for a walk 3 times this week, and you finally nailed that French dish you have been trying to make. Hellooooo those are all awesome. Your wallet is replaceable.
  • To boost your immunity. What? Yes. I love talking about how being stuck in negativity or stress just promotes cortisol drip. Cortisol just drips away when you are feeling blah and literally destroys your immune system. Google it.
  • To create a habit. Yes people. While doing this every day, your brain will start looking for the positive moment to write down from the moment you wake up. Soon you will have too many positive moments to choose from!

Who is in? Write in the comments below if you are going to commit to this incredibly positive challenge to start your New Year off with a BANG! And if you do, I will send a monthly reminder and update of my own experience to share directly to your email. 🙂 Let’s. Do. This.

Happy New Year!

A New Year-New Habits Challenge
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