zero waste

You have all heard of a Zero Waste life, right? Well, if you haven’t, it’s a simple explanation: create zero waste. WHAT? As I said, it’s a simple explanation with a not so simple process. But that is ok! You can start slow and figure it out as you go. I think that creating a little waste before zero waste is better than creating tons of waste all the time! Right?

Recycling Makes Me Cringe…but keep reading

I cringe when I put something in the recycling bin. I mean, it should feel so good that you are taking the time and contributing to saving the environment, right? But I cringe because there is so much that goes into recycling and if it is not done correctly then it won’t recycle. And who is to say that it really is being recycled anyway? Some countries are FAR more ahead of others. I happen to live in one that still collects it all in one massive bin on the street. And to top that off, a client of mine saw the garbage truck take the recycling bin too! (all sorts of emojis fit right here)

Since moving to Greece, I have been constantly stressing and obsessing about using plastic bags, finding bulk stores, making my own products, remembering to always carry bags with me and doing whatever I can to lessen the waste that exits my home. It’s exhausting! But not because there is so much awareness needed, I like that part. It is because I’m constantly struggling to explain to the farmers market vendors that I don’t need a bag or to the bulk store owner that I brought my own container. Many look at me like I am nuts, others kind of get it.

I also feel guilty when I have to stop at a store and I only have my backpack, which is already filled with yoga props for my clients, and I didn’t bring my extra bags with me so I have to take one of theirs. Yikes!

I realized recently that I already do many things that are helpful to aid in caring for the Earth, but there are SO MANY MORE THINGS that I don’t do and want to transition to doing consistently. And I will. I’ll keep you posted on those changes! But for now…

zero waste

A Little Waste before Zero Waste is better than Tons of Waste! 20 Ways to start now…

  1. Always keep reusable bags with you or in your car.
  2. Bring your own water bottle with you so you can fill it up anywhere and not have to buy plastic ones. (saves you money too!)
  3. Buy natural bars of soaps and stop buying body wash in bottles.
  4. Use a natural sea sponge in the shower. Sea sponges are a sustainable and renewable natural resource that biodegrade.
  5. Buy a bamboo toothbrush instead of plastic
  6. Turn the water off when brushing your teeth. (my mom nailed this one into my head)
  7. Wash your clothes at night using colder water when possible. (less energy used)
  8. Use cloth napkins. I have some for every day and some for guests.
  9. Use a scrub brush for the dishes made from wood and bamboo. (it recycles and can be used in the compost bin)
  10. Unplug all appliances when not in use. (energy waste)
  11. If you really need a straw, buy a reusable one. You really only need a few and that’s it.
  12. Bring a container for leftovers when you eat out, just in case.
  13. Hang dry your clothes. I’ve been doing this for years! Not only now that I don’t have a dryer. Growing up, my mom always hung our clothes outside. She insisted it was better for the clothes. And she was right! I started hanging my clothes for this reason. They last longer which not only saves me money but also saves on energy. 🙂
  14. Reuse egg cartons. If you are able to go to the farmers market you can bring the same carton back over and over again and fill up with eggs.
  15. Buy nuts, beans, grains etc… in bulk. Bring your own container. It saves on so much packaging!
  16. Make your own room spray (or body spray). I mix water, witch hazel, and essential oils and let me tell you, it’s fantastic.
  17. Cut up your old sheets and use the fabric for cleaning or tissues! Or any old cotton clothes for that matter. I can’t’ tell you how many pairs of my dad’s old underwear my mom went through and still goes through rather than buying cleaning rags. 🙂
  18. Make your own everyday multi-purpose cleaner with baking soda, vinegar, lemon, water, and essential oils. Save on money, buying another big plastic bottle, and your health!
  19. Skip the fabric softener. You don’t really need it. And skip dryer sheets! If I had a dryer I would try the wool ball.
  20. Use glass jars to store sauces, leftovers, and dry goods. I have so many in my cabinets. One day I’ll switch to the Le Parfait jars, but for now, my leftover peanut butter jar works quite well!

What I will start in the future:

  1. making my own toothpaste
  2. making my own shampoo (I did this a few times but I didn’t stick to it)
  3. figuring out how to compost when you live in an apartment. I’m doing research… 🙂

Recently I made it to PLASTIKOURGEIO in Athens and I WAS SO EXCITED!! It’s pretty much the first Zero Waste store dedicated only to this. They even share energy for electricity from a Co-op. If you live in Athens, PLEASE go there, not only to buy cool stuff but also to talk with the owner Fran (Fransisco) who has extensive knowledge about recycling and all things zero waste. If you don’t live in Athens, click on their e-shop so you can get inspired to go out and find a store near you!

Look what I bought recently:

zero waste
My new dish scrubber. Made from wood at the bottom and can be composted or recycled when finished.
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Copper scrubber for when I forget to soak my pots overnight (although I am pretty good at that!) Can be recycled when finished.
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My new smoothie and regular bendy stainless steel straws and straw cleaner. I imagine these will last for quite some time. Stainless steel can be recycled.
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Goodbye plastic wrap and hello to this little cutie that is reusable over and over again while doing the same job!
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My small glasses are from Ikea candles. (And my bigger ones too now that I think about it)
I didn’t get these from Plastikourgeio, but I thought I’d share!

Let me know what you guys are doing that creates zero waste in the comments below. 🙂

20 Ways to Reduce Waste at Home
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