Slow Down…Do Less to Do More

Sometimes we forget how delicate we can be. We live in a world where success is measured by how much we do and we forget how much we do, sometimes depends on how much we don’t do. I think it is about time to slow down. Don’t you?

You can’t expect a flower to bloom all year round, can you?

So many Human Beings in today’s modern world push and push themselves to bloom all year round. We forget that there is a delicate bud inside that is screaming for warmth, rest, and nourishment so that it can rejuvenate and regain the strength to bloom again, when it is ready, for the world to see.

Many trees move into a phase called dormancy through the winter. They start to shed their leaves and then start to really slow down. Everything within these living beings, that provides us with so much, begins to just slow down and rejuvenate. If they didn’t, then they wouldn’t be of any use, aesthetically and/or physiologically.

To do, or not to do, that is the question.

Know that in order to do you must learn how to not do. You know what I mean?

My dear one, remember that when wintertime coolness makes its appearance that it is a beautiful time to slow down not only how trees, plants, and animals do, but also how humans should too. Take the time and give thanks to the vessel that carries your spirit around so that its beauty is visible. Use the time to turn inward and respectfully listen to what your vessel needs and to what your spirit yearns for. You will offer up gratitude, a simple ‘thank you’ that is, just by listening and giving it what it needs. This looks different to everyone. Just know that it’s OK to slow down. It’s more than ok; it is necessary.

Slowing down can simply be saying “No” to one little request because you would rather have a moment to yourself. (YES THAT IS OK!)

For the northern hemisphere, Autumn is in full swing. In some places, it may feel like winter already. The holidays are coming up and you feel as though you won’t have enough time to slow down. Slowing down doesn’t have to mean lock your doors and never answer the phone again or talk to your kids. Slowing down can simply be saying “No” to one little request because you would rather have a moment to yourself. (YES THAT IS OK!)

And remember that winter begins December 22, 2019 so you can just practice now for the Winter Slow Down that can begin after the holidays if you wish. You have plenty of time. 🙂

How will you slow down?

Slow Down. Do Less to Do More.