As I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel room in Paros, an island in Greece, I’m reflecting on how I got here. Actually, I am reflecting on how I got to the ‘how I got here.’ You know what I mean? A turning point is singular, but there are many singular turning points along the way to the most current.

Why do they exist?

Turning points help us start over or re-define our lives. They disguise themselves as they see fit; a simple new connection, an epiphany, an opportunity, or even a tragedy. There is a lesson or an experience that lies behind a turning point and they are known for showing up exactly at the right time. TP’s are also known for giving us the freshness of change that we crave, much like fresh, clean, lavender-scented sheets. (close your eyes and take a sniff) But to smell freshness, we must also smell staleness so we appreciate freshness. And hey, that’s ok. They aren’t always easy and clear as you go through them.

And the award goes to…

TP’s aren’t always apparent and they don’t always smell good. They happen and then in retrospect, they get the award for the best-supporting actor. There are times where they have you standing at the edge of the cliff looking down, teetering back and forth filled with fear, or in front of the sea at sunrise demanding you to choose between freezing waters or a cozy bed. There are other times where they have you paragliding over mountains, seas, and rainbows, and other times where they take someone you love away from you. However they present themselves, they are always there not only spinning you in a different direction but also acting strongly supportive and doing what is best for you to win the award for Best Actor/Actress.

Knock, knock who’s there?

A TP is life tapping us on the shoulder saying, “Are you going to take that turn now or should I make up a plan to get you moving?” Sometimes it takes a quite bold tone, almost as if its arms are folded and tapping its foot like, “Ok, so are you gonna stay nice and safe in your little comfort zone with your Zara home collection candles and pillows or are you going to jump out of a plane, get smashed in the face with bugs and maybe pee in your pants but still land in a field of gold?”

These are the moments that we choose to dare or to dread. What is it going to be? Will you be courageous and explore or anticipate with apprehension or even fear?

The Common Theme

Think back to some of your turning points. What do you believe is the common theme? For me, I imagine that it was my true heart wanting a change, a challenge, and some sort of spiritual freedom. One thing that is clear to me now is that each of my turning points happened extremely quickly. It felt very clear that I was to change direction.

When we decide rapidly to do something without any time for the worries and anxieties of the mind to intervene, is when our heart and intuition take over. And when you do anything from the heart and you listen to the messages, well then… you know, it’s gonna be a good turning point!

If you want to share any good turning points please share them in the comments below 🙂

Reflecting on Turning Points