Have you heard of the Enneagram? The Enneagram is essentially a system that, through a serious of questions, reveals how your psyche works. There are 9 types you can “be.” It’s very possible that you will find yourself in many of the types but you are most connected to one. A NEW YEAR is a perfect time to find your type. Keep reading and find out why…

The Enneagram has been used in business settings for decades. This system can help you understand yourself and others from a place of compassion. Knowing your type doesn’t excuse any behavioral characteristics that aren’t favorable, per se, but it helps you to understand why you, simply put, do the things you do. From there, you learn to recognize your habits and triggers and are able to consciously choose to deal with them differently. When you know a friends, coworkers, or a partners type, you are capable of comprehending where they are coming from on a deeper level and are able to approach them and the relationship with compassion. It’s fantastic!

Why Am I Talking About This?

I met a lovely woman, who is not only my Kundalini Yoga instructor, but also an Enneagram specialist. I’m also lucky to call her my friend now. Lynn Roulo has written a book called Headstart for Happiness that beautifully links your Enneagram type to Kundalini Yoga. What? Yes! Each chapter presents a different type with not only an explanation but also with Kundalini Kriyas (yoga techniques) and meditations to aid in balancing your specific type. There are clear photos and precise descriptions on how to do it.

This guidebook leads you through the personalities in your life—your own personality and those around you, focusing on the unique strengths and gifts each type has to offer the world. Providing you with tools for compassion, this guide book offers a path to a more harmonious, peaceful world. If you believe most conflict in the world is based on misunderstandings, this book is for you.

The second book she wrote is called The Nine Keys:

The Nine Keys is the essential encyclopedia of the Enneagram in relationships. This book contains Enneagram relationship theory for all 45 type combinations as well as personal testimonials for all 81 relationship perspectives.  Drawing on over 1,500 years of relationship experience from over 100 couples from around the world, the descriptions and testimonials are instructive, uplifting, cautionary, and sometimes scary and humorous – all real, all good.

A New Years Gift For You

Since it’s a new year (in a few days) and we all want to work not only on ourselves but also on our relationships, I wanted to share these two powerful books (which I own) with all of you. So get to them!

Lynn lives in Athens Greece and does Enneagram typing interviews in person or through Skype. It is SO worth it to do this interview with her. Many tools can be found online but I believe it’s difficult to really find your true type since our mind can easily sway us back and forth. You know what I mean? So if you are ready to understand yourself and others with compassion and are ready to make a beautiful change for 2019 then contact Lynn. 🙂

The Enneagram for the New Year (and why you should know about it)
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