Quarantine Hacks for a Neverending Pandemic

Apparently, this pandemic isn’t going to end anytime soon. Depending on where you are in the world, you are either in a lockdown (like me), on restricted movement with a curfew, on a suggestion to limit movement and gatherings, or on a suggestion to lockdown yourself! No matter where you are in life, I guarantee that you are trying to be productive and healthy. Keep reading for some easy and fun quarantine hacks that will be very helpful during this neverending pandemic!

The Water Hack

Do you know someone (or maybe it’s you, GASP!) that hates to drink water? Some don’t like the taste, some don’t feel thirst, and some just can’t be bothered. Do you want to know what I say? GET BOTHERED, because water is ESSENTIAL to our health and well being. It regulates our body temperature and our bodily functions,. It affects our mood and our brain, aids in metabolism, and is responsible for letting us live basically. If you don’t believe me, read this list.

So what can you do? Get an app called the PLANT NANNY! It’s been around for a bit and is extremely helpful in keeping track of your daily water intake. You choose a (virtual) plant that you would like to “water” with every glass of water you drink! You can set reminders for you to actually drink water, which is amazing. It keeps you accountable to your goals, which I LOVE. (otherwise, you kill your plant, and who wants that?) Also, you get seeds for points when you hit your water goal and you can buy a new plant and also choose some cute pots. Fun!

If you hate drinking water then maybe you can try adding some flavors such as:

  • lemon or orange ice cubes
  • essential oils (make certain they are SAFE TO INGEST)
  • teaspoon of honey
  • a few sliced up frozen grapes (yes, I said frozen grapes. yum)
  • cucumber
  • make a big batch of hot tea that you love and put it in the refrigerator

The Productivity Hack

Some may remember the days where email didn’t exist. If you heard a bell, it was probably your front door or a church down the street. Since home phones were a thing, sometimes you may have knocked it off the hook and the phone couldn’t ring for HOURS leaving you to get everything done without distractions! Now you hear all sorts of sounds that distract you from getting important work done.

The Pomodoro app is incredible! You can set it for a certain amount of time to work (it defaults to 25 minutes) and it dings when the time is up and you can take a 5 minute break! I typically drink some water, do some stretches or jumping jacks and then get back into the work! After a few sessions you can set a long break (defaults to 15 minutes) where you can respond to messages, drink more water and so on… This app is simple and easy and SO helpful!

The Mental Hack

When your mind is just overloaded with either to-do lists, worries, or explosions of joy, a good thing to do is to take a few minutes to get grounded and re-focused. Because for many people it’s difficult to sit still and meditate while focusing on the breath by themselves, Insight Timer has created a space to go to that helps you do this through guided meditations. You can choose specific meditations that last a couple of minutes or an hour! You really can find anything you are looking for with Insight Timer. The free version is great and the paid version is even cooler allowing you to take courses on things like How to meditate, Melt away stress, How to acknowledge and work through anxiety, Using mantras to heal, and thousands more!

The Laugh Your Butt Off Hack

The Smartless Podcast is one of the best I’ve heard this year. Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett hilariously interview the coolest people like Melissa McCarthy, Will Ferrell, Conan O’Brien, and even NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON!! Check it out but hold on to your butt, because it may fall off. PS, laughing is medicine. Don’t forget it.

The Random Feel Good Hacks for Sanity

  • Take physical steps. Set a goal to see how many steps you are taking each day. (That will get you out for a walk!) Fresh air, trees, water, mountains, a park, grass, or whatever you have its still nature!
  • Take a warm shower in the evening before bed. Wash the day away. Any lingering thoughts or worries that I have are washed away each night before bed. Sleep fresh!
  • Set your alarm. According to Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, and professor, you should wake up at the same time every day. If you don’t, you dysregulate your circadian rhythm which regulates your mood!
  • Eat a light breakfast every day. Waking up at the same time every day and eating breakfast are proven to fight against depression and anxiety.
  • Dance like nobody is watching. (because why not?)
  • TURN UP THE MUSIC. Watch this work wonders.

I hope this little list is a benefit to your life, because we have a ways to go. But we are in it together! 🙂

Quarantine Hacks for a Neverending Pandemic
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