It happens to the best of us. Life is going well and you feel great and on top of the world! You are exercising, cooking, working, meditating, writing in your journal, committing to your morning smoothie, walking to work, socializing at least once a week…and then BAM, you fall off track. All of a sudden you feel stressed, you can’t sleep, and there is no time for meditation or a smoothie. In fact, your smoothie magically turns into a croissant and you don’t even recognize yourself anymore because you have forgotten to take care of yourself. You look around and feel…lost. Well, my friend, those are plenty of signs that you need a yoga retreat.

Do any of the following resonate with you?

You can’t stay off your phone or laptop. 
You’ve stopped exercising or practicing yoga.
You feel sluggish, unmotivated, and uninspired.
Your mind is on overdrive and you struggle to keep track of things.
You wake up in the middle of the night thinking about how overwhelmed you are. 
You don’t remember the last time you did something really fun for yourself.
You barely have the energy to go out with a friend and you have to force yourself. 
You feel that it’s time you make a change, but don’t know what that means.
You feel anxious, depressed, irritable, or stressed most of the time.
You have not been treating your body nicely lately. (overeating, junk food, alcohol)
You’re trying to pretend everything is ok but you know that there are some things you are hiding and not dealing with. 


When you have turned a little off-course, sometimes you need to stop and take a moment to gather your thoughts or a map to guide you back.  In the realm of human existence, sometimes we need a spiritual smoothie. That sounds delicious, doesn’t it? Yoga retreats offer you just that. A break, a moment, a spiritual smoothie. The truth is, this world is on the go more than it ever has been and it’s not showing signs of stopping. WE HAVE LOST THE CONNECTION TO OUR TRUEST SELVES. It’s time to adjust to the pace by keeping ourselves as clean and clear as possible; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Now you may be thinking, “Elli, I shower daily, I brush my teeth, I’m a clean person,” I know you do. I know. But what I mean is to focus on cleaning, clearing, and healing these four categories in order to be the best version of you! 

PHYSICAL – Deposit the best ingredients into your body so that you can operate at your highest level.
EMOTIONAL – Deal, but actually deal, with emotions that are getting louder and show no signs of leaving. Yoga, meditation, therapy, and journaling help.
MENTAL – Organize your brain by writing down what’s in it (like making lists or journaling) to create space. Work on changing your thinking patterns.
SPIRITUAL – Work on doing what is needed to keep yourself honest, conscious, aware, and authentic by reading, discussing, learning, and being consistent in the spiritual practice that you choose. (Prayer, Nature, Yoga, Meditation, etc…)


One of the finest ways to get yourself back on track is by taking a yoga retreat. To retreat is to withdraw. It is essential to withdraw and to take care of yourself in order to skillfully proceed in all aspects of life. There are many different styles of yoga retreats for you to choose from when you need a little rejuvenation. Some retreats can be very active or very passive. They may be packed with positive stimulation or full of quiet space for you to just be. You will most likely meet people that are in a similar space as you: wanting to reignite and rejuvenate. Being able to exchange thoughts, feelings, and experiences will remind you that you are not alone. Your new yoga friends may inspire you and YOU may also inspire them!

Get yourself a spiritual smoothie by finding a yoga retreat so you can “shower” yourself and get back to the clean self you know you can be. I have decided to offer you a retreat in Greece this fall. 🙂 I hope to see you there! But if you can’t make it, you can always try to make your own

Signs You Need a Yoga Retreat