In most classes that I teach, I like to begin with a check-in. It’s a moment to say hi to yourself, to drop in. Imagine that your spirit took a break and wandered off and now it’s time for it to settle back into your human vessel so you can welcome it back. It’s a life pause for you to check in with your physical, emotional, and mental body in order to find your starting point. Once you identify what your starting point is physically, emotionally, and mentally, only then can you skillfully proceed with things such as exercise, conversations, daily to-do’s, or work. You know; life! 

During the day, you may fall off track a bit or lose touch with how you feeling again. It’s ok, it happens. There are some things you can do to get you back in touch with yourself.

going for walks
eating a brain-healthy snack
getting creative
consciously breathing
using your hands (cooking, sewing, painting, etc…)
gentle exercise 

Some of you may journal all the time, and some never. Some of you may journal when the need arises and some may have never discovered the value. Wherever you are on your journaling journey do me and yourself a favor; try it out now. You don’t need a fancy journal, but please use paper and a pen. (If you use a pencil then the perfectionist in some of you may want to erase and that is not the point!) When journaling there are no expectations, no rules, and honesty is key. You are alone with yourself. The best person to be honest with and to be yourself in front of is YOU. Just flow with your stream of consciousness. 

Journal Prompt – Check in with your Physical, Emotional, and Mental state.

Set Yourself Up First

Grab your journal, or a piece of paper and sit down on a chair, on the couch, or on the floor on a cushion. Get cozy. Take a moment to just feel your feet or legs pressing gently into the ground and lean back a bit to line your shoulders over your pelvis. Roll the shoulders back and take a few breaths in through the nose and exhale from the mouth. When you feel ready you will close your eyes and drop in. Say hello to yourself using your name. Sit here for a minute and just feel your breath and start to bring your awareness to the moment.

The Physical Check-in

Start to scan your physical body. Take however long you need. I like to start from the feet and move upward. Notice what feels tight, stiff, achy, or relaxed. Tune in to all sensations in the physical body. When you feel that you have scanned the full body and understand how you are feeling physically, grab your journal and write it down in detail.

The Emotional Check-in

Return to your cozy position and tune back in. This time could be a little faster. Start to scan your emotional body. Can you find a word to describe how you are feeling? Excited, joyful, sad, content, angry, jealous, or frightened. Don’t judge this feeling. Maybe you see an image or hear a quote that can describe how you feel. All are valid. When you feel confident that you have tuned in to your true emotional state, grab your journal and write it down in detail.

The Mental Check-in

One last time, return to your starting position. Start to scan your mental body. Is it quiet or loud? Is it full, scattered, or empty? Is there chatter that is simply taking up space? What is your mental body telling you? Don’t judge it, just acknowledge it. When you feel that you have connected with the mental body, grab your journal and write it down in detail.

Now You Can Skillfully Proceed

Once you check in with these three areas, without judgment, you will understand how to proceed with the rest of your day. If you are physically tired or in pain, maybe you shouldn’t go for a long walk with a friend. If you are feeling angry, then maybe you can explore more by writing about it or practicing a guided meditation for it. A walk in nature can be healing as well. If you have a lot of mental chatter then make a list and don’t call that friend that needs to vent because you don’t have the mental capacity to be there for this person. If you have plenty of space, then go ahead and call that friend! Check in with yourself as often as you can. Now go grab your journal!

A Journal Prompt to Check-In