How to Connect to Springtime Energy

Persephone was taken to the Underworld by Hades but her father struck a deal with Hades to allow her to come up to Earth for 6 months out of the year. When she jumps up to Earth, she enters with a BANG of colorful flowers and allows Springtime to offer rebirth, creativity, awakening, and balance to all. Remember, it’s an offering, so it’s up to YOU to invoke it in your life! Keep reading and find out ways to connect to Springtime energy.

Springtime Energy of REBIRTH

In order to have a rebirth, something needs to die, end, and fizzle off. Nature shows us this over and over again. If anything is holding you back, dragging you down, or making you feel pretty stuck, remember that only you have the power to release it. Some things that can keep you down:

  • limiting beliefs (I can’t, I’m not good enough, I’m not smart, I’m too young)
  • a relationship (friendship, family, romantic, all kinds)
  • restraining thoughts (worry, anger, judgment, grudges)
  • control (situations, other people’s thoughts, and actions, etc…)

What you can do in order to invite REBIRTH into your life this Spring:

  • Light a candle and write down all the things you want to let go of. (refer to the list above) Burn the paper in the sink or cut it up into tiny pieces.
  • Write down everything you want to plant and then watch it grow. Visit this list daily. You can place it on your altar if you have one.
  • Deep clean the area in your home to which you feel really connected spiritually. The place that makes you feel cozy and creative. (or deep clean the entire home!) Then light some sage and blow the smoke into every corner while verbally inviting all the negative or stagnant energy to leave, while inviting new fresh positive energy to permeate the space.
  • Practice meditation and connect with the word and energy of REBIRTH.
  • Practice visualization – see yourself free of all that was weighing you down, full of weightless energy and bright light all around you.

Springtime Energy of CREATIVITY

Just like light comes from knowing darkness and vice versa, creativity can do the same! When you rise out of Winter, the dark, warm, cozy space of hibernation, you are ready to shed the layer of blankets for fresh springtime energy and a lightly warm breeze. All that you experience in this space plays a role in your future expression. Don’t dismiss it! Creativity has no boundaries. All colors and shades on the spectrum are welcome.

What you can do in order to invite CREATIVITY into your life this Spring:

  • Journal about what makes you feel creative.
  • Open the windows and listen to music that makes you dance! (dancing is creative)
  • Buy tickets to the theater or the opera.
  • Go to a concert.
  • Sign up for an art class of your choice – even if you think you won’t be good at it (limiting belief!)
  • Visit an art museum.
  • Read about the life of a creative person (Picasso, Shakespeare, Mozart, Fred Astaire)
  • Discuss creativity the next time you go out with friends. Let the energy flow!

Springtime Energy of AWAKENING

Awakening can simply be the act of waking from sleep. If you were a bear, you would understand this very well every winter when you come out of hibernation, the ultimate deep sleep. Another awakening is to come into existence! To be aware, present, and in sync with the world around you. You are here right this second, start to activate. Release the past and don’t entertain the future, just take a big sniff of the present and let that ignite the fire within you!

What you can do in order to invite AWAKENING into your life this Spring:

  • Write down whatever you are grateful for every single day. (this will never cease to add value to life)
  • Walk through or sit in nature (park, forest, mountain, water) and tune into all your senses.
  • Meditation to connect with consciousness or choose a guided meditation if it doesn’t make sense yet.
  • Get grounded in your body and then connect to the mantra Soham (So Hum). (yoga asana, breathing exercises, running, dancing, standing in the dirt)

Springtime Energy of BALANCE

Finding balance within springtime energy is 50% effort and 50% ease. Sometimes it’s 50% work and 50% fun. But sometimes it’s 70% family and 30% friends or 80% healthy foods and 20% guilty pleasures. Find what ratio helps you to feel balanced. Spring is a great time to practice balance because of coming out of winter and anticipating summer

What you can do in order to invite BALANCE into your life this Spring:

  • Surround yourself with people that make you feel good
  • Receive just as well as you give or vice versa
  • Learn to manage stress and anxiety holistically
  • Be just as good to yourself as you are to others
  • Write a gratitude list daily
  • Practice connecting to the effort and ease in your asana practice.

Every Season is Special

Every season offers us something special. Sometimes it just might be the change that is out of our control. It’s like a little shoulder bump from Mother Earth telling us, just go with the flow, find something new, and trust in all that happens. Which Spring `connection will you choose? One or all four? Happy Spring!

How to Connect with the Energy of Spring